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Enable iOS Betas in Settings App from Version 16.4 Onward

February 24, 2023
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It seems that Apple is introducing some significant changes with iOS 16.4—boldly giving its users a brand new way to access the Developer and Public Beta updates. Instead of having to manually configure profiles and Apple IDs, now, users will be able to turn on the Beta Updates option found in the settings of their iPhones or iPads!

The new Beta Updates button, upon installation of iOS 16.4 on your devices, will enable all users—developers, testers, and the general public—to switch back and forth between the public and the beta releases faster, and with greater ease.

To do so, just navigate to the Settings, then General, and select the Software Update, which contains the new Beta Updates button. Tap it, pick either the Developer Beta or Public Beta, and you’re all set! Just be sure to use the same Apple ID that’s enrolled in the Apple Developer Program, or the Apple Public Beta Tester Program, so your phone will identify it.

The good news is that it’s going to be a much simpler, easier, and more streamlined process for the users to install and swap out the iOS Betas, but there is a downside associated with this change as well. With the configuration profiles discontinued as a beta installation method, those who need to run the betas won’t be able to share them with others freely anymore, and developers wanting to try out the betas won’t be able to do so unless they’re signed in with the same Apple ID as with their released version of the app.

Apart from the Beta Updates Configuration change, Apple also added some other features with the new iOS 16.4 Beta, like new emoji, enhanced Safari/browser capabilities, 5G Standalone support, new Apple Music animations, and much more. The reliable and secure iOS is also gaining improved performance as well as loads of bug fixes, making it a complete package for the user.

So whether you’re a developer, a tester, or an enthusiast, the new iOS 16.4 beta has something for everyone. What do you think of the new Beta Updates Configuration change with the iOS 16.4 Beta? Let us know in the comments below.

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