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How To Enable Light and Dark Mode On Apple Watch Faces

February 24, 2023
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Switching between your Apple Watch light and dark mode can be an inconvenient task. With traditional methods, you would have to change your watch face manually. Fortunately, with the help of Apple’s Shortcuts app on your iPhone, you can create automations that give you the same effect.

Getting your watch face to change between light and dark mode is relatively simple. First, create two watch faces that you want to switch between by picking the preferred colors, app complications and the type of clock face that you want. Reorder these watch faces as the first two so you can easily identify them.

Next, open the Shortcuts app on you iPhone and tap on the Automation tab. Tap on the option “Create Personal Automation”. Tap “Time of Day” at the top of the list, and select when you would like your watch face to switch over to light mode. Following this step, tap “Set Watch Face” and this will bring up a list of the watch faces available for toggling. Remember, the top watch face should be your desired light mode face, and the second watch face should be your desired dark mode face.

Once finished, toggle off “Ask Before Running” and “Notify When Run”. Now your watch will automatically switch between the two faces, giving you the same light and dark mode functionality. This automation will continue to run even when the watch is disconnected from your wrist, such as when it is is charging.

Not only can you have both a light and dark mode watch face, but you have the potential to make both of them completely unique to yourself. Set different complications for each watch face, as well as alternating app icons, and you can easily attain a customized look and feel for your Apple Watch. You could also select which watch face appears at specific times or days of the week, perfect for easily going from workouts to standard watch wear.

For those that want to set their watch face and forget it, the ability to switch to a light or dark mode watch face can be extremely helpful. With the help of Shortcuts, Apple Watch users no longer have to manually switch watch faces in order to meet their own personal convenience.

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