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“Miraculous Recovery After Apple Watch Alerts User of Health Scare”

February 21, 2023
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It’s no secret that the Apple Watch has been credited multiple times over for saving lives, whether it be with its Emergency SOS, heart monitoring, or fall detection features. Yet, in spite of these known benefits, one Apple Watch user recently revealed their extraordinary story to Reddit of how their Series 7 device actually ended up saving their life. In a thread with the title, “I’d have just passed out and died without ever knowing if not for my Apple Watch”, the Reddit user explains that one day, after feeling “kind of tired”, they decided to take a nap on their couch. Little did they know, that few hours of rest could have very well cost them their life.

It turns out that while this Redditor had been sleeping, their Apple Watch was hard at work in the background, detecting a dangerously high pulse rate. In total, the user had more than 10 notifications on their device, each alerting them about their spiking heart rate. Immediately after discovering the alarming notifications, the individual arranged for a video call with their doctor who immediately instructed them to check their pulse and oxygen levels. The doctor then went ahead and dialed emergency services, unaware of what was happening.

The paramedics who responded to the emergency call thought it may have been a heart attack, but as it turned out, the individual was actually suffering from severe internal bleeding. After extensive testing, it was revealed that the Apple Watch user had hemoglobin levels as low as 3.0 grams per deciliter; an alarmingly low value for a normal person. The doctor ended the diagnosis with a dire sentence: had the Redditor not got the urgent transfusion, they likely would not have been alive that day.

The amazing story of how the Apple Watch saved this person’s life is one out of many similar stories that have come to light over the years. It’s clear to see how an Apple Watch with its health tracking capabilities can be more effective than and just as reliable as professional-grade medical equipment. As another Redditor puts it, “the best camera is the one you have with you at the time.”

Have you ever heard of or experienced a similar story of the Apple Watch saving someone’s life? Comment and let us know!

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